If you’d like to have hot bread at dinnertime, the ideal time to begin the process is the morning before. Each day requires a morning-evening process, with a little wiggle room for timing, though with slight variations in flavor and texture of the final loaves. A digital scale will make this so much easier and faster, takes out all the guesswork!
When removing starter for baking, always leave at least 1/4 cup starter in the original container and feed it with 1/2 cup flour and 1/4 cup water - or equal parts unfed starter, water, and flour - so you never run out!
Helpful tools, all are available on Amazon, some are available at Smart and Final/Walmart/Target:
Digital food scale (Ozeri Pronto is the one I use)
Perforated French or Italian 2-loaf bread pan
Parchment paper
Large lidded container for mixing and proofing (I use Cambro)
Large glass jar for maintaining starter, cover with clean lightweight fabric (t-shirt material is perfect) and secure with a rubber band
Dutch Oven - Cast-iron, 5-quart or larger - for making round loaves with crispy crust
Stand mixer with a dough hook
Wooden spoons
Starter is very forgiving, it can hang on the counter for 48 hours untouched. It can be fed and refrigerated for a week or more without needing attention. Here are some of our favorite sourdough and sourdough-adaptable recipes.
Sourdough crepes: Cultures for Health
Sourdough pizza crust: Belgian Foodie
Sourdough cinnamon buns: King Arthur Flour
Clay’s Multigrain Sourdough Bread: King Arthur Flour
Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread: Homemade Food Junkie
Beginner’s Artisan Sourdough bread: Homemade Food Junkie
Starter that dries out is like concrete, but if underneath it’s still moist, it’s still good. Save the good stuff and throw the dried parts away. Just don’t chuck dried starter down the garbage disposal, it can seize it up; better to throw it in the trash.
Unlike canning, tools don’t need to be sterilized for this process. Clean tools and containers straight from the dishwasher or washed in hot soapy water and dried with a clean towel is perfect. And wash your hands before and during the process.
“…blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” - Luke 15:17\
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“…behold, I stand at the door and knock. And if any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” - Revelation 3:20